Clinics We Offer

Adult Immunisation

A booster tetanus injection and Polio are needed every 10 years if you are visiting a part of the world where the risk is high. We also offer a flu vaccination for those over the age of 65 and also to those who suffer from asthma, heart problems and diabetes. Pneumonia vaccines are also available for those patients at risk.  There is a charge for some holiday vaccinations.


Childhood Immunisation

All children are entitled to vaccines free of charge against certain  preventable diseases. Children are eligible with a valid PPS number. Vaccination is not compulsory but is strongly advised by the Department of health. Please discuss any concerns you might have with one of the doctors before making a decision about your child's immunisation.

Our nurse runs our baby vaccine programme. Your baby should be 2,4,6,12 and 13 months before the respective vaccines can be given. Vaccines cannot be given ahead of schedule.

If your baby is unwell at the time they are due their next vaccine please consult your doctor before making the vaccination appointment.

Childhood Immunisation Schedule

  • At Birth -BCG to protect against TB- Public Health Nurse
  • 2 Months -6 in 1 ( diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib, Hepatitis B) and pneumococcal
  • 4 Months -6 in 1 (diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib, Hepatitis B and Meningococcal C
  • 6 Months -6 in 1 (diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib, Hepatitis B) Meningococcal C and Pneumococcal
  • 12 Months - MMR ( Measles, mumps and rubella) and Pneumococcal
  • 13 Months - Meningococcal C and Hib
  • 4-5 Years - 4 in 1 (diphteria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio) MMR at school
  • 11-14 Years - Girls in 1st Year of Secondary School - Td( tetanus and diphteria) HPV9Human Papillomavirus vaccine) (3 doses) At school

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Diabetic Clinic

The practice nurses hold regular diabetic clinics. They will advise on all aspects relating to diabetes. 

a silver fork on a table

Asthma Clinic

The nurses offer this clinic to those who suffer from asthma and need regular check-ups. They will advise you on lifestyle, inhaler techniques and medication, and discuss any concerns you may have.

a couple of people that are talking to each other

Smear Tests

A smear test is an examination of the neck of the womb to check for changes which occur before cancer develops. This test is done by the practice nurse. We strongly recommend this test for all women up to the age of 65, usually those who are or have been sexually active. The health authority will automatically call you when your smear is due. 


CHD Clinics

The practice nurses hold regular CHD clinics. They will advise you on all aspects relating to Coronary Heart Disease.

a woman looking at the camera

Antenatal Clinics

This clinic is run by the community midwife on a Wednesday & Thursday 9.15 am-11.45 am & 1.00 pm-3.30 pm by appointment only. If you wish to book an appointment with the midwife for the first time there is no need to see the GP please speak to the receptionist.

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Family Planning

All the doctors and nurses can offer advice about family planning, the pill and other methods of contraception. All the doctors will prescribe the 'morning after' pill in any consultation time. This can be taken up to 72 hours after intercourse and the service is, of course, confidential. Coils are fitted by the doctor and practice nurse usually an early morning appointment when they are both available, this is done in practice.

a young boy eating a banana

Child Development

Child development checks are done by the health visitors by pre-arranged appointments. Telephone 0116 2953397. They will also discuss any problems and can sometimes provide baby milk.


Nursing Services

Our practice nurses are highly skilled health care professionals and are now taking on more and more work that in the past was done by the doctor.

If you need an appointment for any of the following please ask for an appointment with the practice nurse.

  • Cervical smears
  • Smoking Cessation Advice
  • Asthma review - medication review
  • Family planning and contraceptive advice
  • Diabetic review - medication review
  • Blood Pressure monitoring
  • Adult Vaccinations (flu, pneumonia & shingles)
  • Health Checks
  • Travel vaccinations
  • Coil advice & check
  • Coronary Heart Disease clinic
  • Removal of sutures and clips 
  • Dressings
  • Pregnancy- whooping cough 
  • Childhood immunisations
  • Hormone injections
  • H Pylori tests
  • B12